Ramblings of Boback

Designer - Techie - Geek & Nerd

You Are a Benevolent Leader

So I took this test, and for the better part, the results are somewhat correct.

Though I disagree with its Masculinity & Femininity results. Not saying they should be reversed, but I think I am quite in touch with my feminine side, and at the same time I am quite masculine.

Anyway, take the test, see what you get.

My Two Months Sabbatical

So, I am back in the UK, after being away the whole summer, in South Carolina with Nikki. But now I am back in semi warm, lonely London.

I had a fucking great time with Nikki, and I miss her a lot. I wish I could have stayed a lot longer, maybe if the fucking USA rules weren’t so fucking restricted for Brits to work in the US. I mean for fuck sake, aren’t we suppose to be their closest ally?

To top it all, she surprised me at the airport with a sweet little kitten, which she adopted from some girl in a Wal-Mart car park, who was giving her away. I don’t have to say that it didn’t take us long to get completely attach to her. We’ve named her Zoe, and she is the most adorable little kitten. You can see a whole set of ever growing images of Zoe, at my flickr pages.

Now I am back, and have to decide and put into action some plans to what we (Nikki and I) will do as far as living together in a more permanent situation. I’ve pretty much decided that I’d like to move to the USA. Especially since it suits both of us more, and the cost of living isn’t as catastrophic as UK. It’s only the visa and the work permits which are the main obstacles. I don’t know, we’ll see what happens in the next few months.

Since I’ve been traveling a lot on US Airways, I’ve collected a lot of mileage, and with this recent flight, I have enough points for a free round trip ticket to the USA. The only thing that has to be decided is who’s going or coming :)

That’s enough for this session. Updates will come soon.

The Story About a Laptop

the broken laptop i sold on ebay

You will laugh your arse off reading the above blog. At 1st I had no idea what the fuck it was about, but as I read more, I started to laugh louder and louder. It’s just priceless.

I won’t spoil it for you, go ahead and read it.

Thanks to Dave for pointing this one out. Cheers mate.

P.S. Yup it’s a dumbfuck Iranian. I am ashamed this idiot comes from my motherland!

Well Well Well…

As if we didn’t know it was going to happen, silly cow from Loughborough has fooked off out of the BB house on the 1st eviction. Your witty remarks and fruitfull conversation will be missed, BonnaBonnoBonnahBunny? Bonnie. NOT!

UK Bigbrother 7 Started…

So Bigblobber 7 UK started on Channel4 last week. So far, they’ve had more drama than usual, in the 1st week. One has already person left, and one person got kicked out for breaking the oh-so-mighty Big Brother rule. Oh go fuck yourself Enam-mole Endemole.

What’s the big deal about BB I hear you ask? Well you watch it to see people fight, moan, bitch, argue, cry for cigarettes, fall over and generally abuse another human being on live TV. Yes we like to see that. The funny thing is, I am going to the US in a few days, and their BB starts soon, and that one is just a huge ass bitch fest. In some ways, its funnier than UK BB, but in most ways, it’s a serious yawn fest most of the times.

Anyway, that’s all I’m gonna say for this first post on this new blog. Hopefully I’ll ramble some more later.

P.S. All the posts below are from my previous blog on blogger.com which I imported.


1970’s Boback

1970’s Boback Originally uploaded by Boback.

Seeing how it is my birthday today, I thought I’d share with you a picture of me, from when I was only One. Taken at my grandparents house, in 1970.

I have spent a good part of a week cleaning this photo from its original scanned state. It was in an appalling condition. But I think I’ve managed to save quite a lot of it. Though it’s one of those projects that I keep coming back to and fixing other parts, as I learn new tricks.

Nuroozetan Pirooz!

NoRooZ Originally uploaded by Boback.

Would like to wish all Iranians of the world a happy new year. Hoping that this year will be a wonderful and prosperous year for all of you and your families.

Let us hope this year will be another peaceful one, in these troubled times. And let us also hope our mother land stays safe from the hand of the “west”.

Affinity PARTY on 17th March, LONDON

Affinity PARTY on 17th March, LONDON

Originally uploaded by Mernas.

QUOTE: “A fantastic event to send orphaned and abandoned children in Africa and Eastern Europe to school and provide a nurturing environment for them to grow in. What YOU can do to HELP is buy a virtual gift for £25 that can send one child to school for a WHOLE YEAR.”

And that’s not all.. This will also be your TICKET TO A FUNKY PARTY with Notting Hill DJ’s, wine, dancing (+ lessons!), countless networking opportunities (aiming for 500 people), and a lot more.. this is not a standard ‘charity event’‘.. this is HOT STUFF!!!!!

Here’s how to buy your ticket:

Go to www.affinityevent.com, purchase a virtual gift and change the life of an orphaned or abandoned child.”

Poffak Namaki

Pofak Namaki

Originally uploaded by Boback.

You know, the last time I tasted these was back in 1980, in Iran. It’s been such a long time I can’t get myself to open the packet. I know I am going to be disappointed with the taste, as I am 1000% sure the quality has gone waaaaaaaaaay down hill since the old days.

I saw them today in an Iranian shop (Hormoz, in Finchley) here in London. Stared at them for a few mins, and thought I must try it and see.

When I was a kid, I used to hate sitting in one place, and I was uber active. My grandfather, god rest his soul, used to buy packets of these and give them to me as treats, if I sat down quietly. Even if it was only for 10mins. I was a nightmare as a kid.

For those who don’t know what this is, it’s cheesy snacks, bit like Cheetos or for the Scandinavians, Cheese Doodlez.

Happy Chinese New Year 恭喜發財

Happy Chinese New Year 恭喜發財

Originally uploaded by Boback.

Well it was the Chinese new year on the 29th. Went down to Chinatown, and took some shots.

It was soooooooooooooo crowded, you could hardly move in Gerard St. Tons of Police.

Walking in Gerard St always makes me hungry. But usually, you walk quickly to get to your destination. This time I was walking 2cm every min, and the smell of the food was overwhelming. But the queues where outrageous for Dim Sum. Good thing I had Dim Sum on Saturday.

Ended up going to a veggie Indian restaurant, in the back of Warren St.

Well hope you’ve had a good new year (if any Chinese person is reading this)

Gung hay fat choy 恭喜發財

Nissan Armada

Nissan Armada

Originally uploaded by Boback.

I think if I lived in an oil rich country, or USA, I’d buy a Nissan Armada as my family car. Jesus, this car is huge, massive, enormous.

Comfortable and 3 rows of seats, and about 300bhp. Oh and did I mention you need a step ladder to get in?

Anyway, I’m gonna buy one, that’s it, decided.

The Zocalo Fotoblog

I’ve started a Photoblog called by the same name as this blog,The Zocalo. I guess they’re kinda related in a bloggy kind of way.

Some of the picture on there aren’t on my flickr site, and majority of them have been post processed in Photoshop to give a bit of umph to them.

Some may like’em, some don’t. I do, and I guess that’s all that matters.


PSP v2.0 Raped Without KY

PSP Originally uploaded by Boback.

It always amazes me how the mind of hackers/coders works. Somehow, from the smallest bit of error/bug, made by an electronic giant, they’ve managed to outright rape the Sony PSP’s new operating system, and make it do what they want.

This is a bit like writing a virus to take advantage of people who don’t upgrade their Internet Explorer. The difference being, the PSP doesn’t tell you when it needs to be patched.

These coders have managed to take advantage of a small bug the PSP has in displaying a certain picture format (like jpg or gif, but PNG in this case) and make it doubt itself, and allow them to take it back down to the old operating system which had even more holes. i.e. v1.5 which is currently the hot favourite. Since it allows you to run “back-up” games off the memory card. Not to mention a whole host of other “homebrew” software, written by various clever people around the world.

Hats off to these people for their abilities to find the smallest bug, and make it the size of a tunnel. If I had a company and lots of money, I know who I’d like to hire to code for me!

A Car With Class

After 20 years or so, my father managed to get in touch with one of his old American friends, who used to work with him back in the good old days, in Iran. They corresponded for a few weeks and recently, he sent my father some old pictures that he took, back in the end of 1979 early 1980.

One of these was a picture of our old beloved BMW 2002 car. This car back then was only a few months old, and it was like having the latest 3 Series BMW with all the bells and whistles in 2005. This car was my favourite car, even though I was only 11 years old.

With this car we travelled 90% of Iran, from Tehran to Bandar Abbas, from Ahwaz to Esfahan and all the way to Mashad and Zahedan. So you can tell we did a lot of travelling in this trusty German car. She never complained or let us down. Just kept on purring away at the Kilometres (we don’t use Miles in Iran).

Unfortunately, one night, returning from a long trip from Ahwaz to Tehran, my father had an accident in her. Two 18 wheelers decided to overtake each other on a 2 lane narrow mountain road, and my father happened to be coming round the bend at that moment. With no place to hide from these 18 wheelers (one side being the cliff and the other being the side of a mountain) my father did the best he could.

The tail end of the overtaking 18 wheeler smashed into the front of the car, squashing it into the side of the mountain.

Thankfully, my father escaped with only a few broken ribs and some stitches to his forehead. Considering that the steering wheel (which was the tough sporty kind) broke in his chest.

I later saw pictures of the BMW after the accident, and I was very sad to see her in that shape. As much as I begged and pleaded with my father to fix her up again, he told me that there was no point, as the car looked like it had been put through a scrap yards compactor.

So this long post is dedicated to our beloved trusty BMW 2002 (which I still miss to this date) and the wonderful German engineering that saved my father from any further harm.

Free iPod Thingy Website…

I was doing my regular daily sniffing around eBay, and I came across some people selling the “idea” of getting a free PSP or iPOD. Out of all this shit, one of them was posting a link to BBC News website, which talks about freeiPods.com and how it’s not really a scam and all that. So I made a new gmail account, and thought I’d try it out.

I’ve signed up for a free ipod, and also signed up with efax for 30days free trial. I’ve always wanted an efax account, which is cool, so I thought I’d try it. And even after that, its only £8 a month.

Anyway, give it a try, see what you think. Nothing really to loose, there’s a few free trial things to do.

Rat Fair Panorama

Rat Fair Panorama

Originally uploaded by Boback.

Saturday, I was invited to Camden Art Centre, where there was a rat fair. Yes a rat fair, where rats competed in an obstacle course, a rat beauty salon, a section called “is your rat an artist” and a few more compos. My friend Andrew was asked to do the commentating on the rat course challenge, because he loves the sound of his own voice, and isn’t shy about it.

All together it was “different” and quite entertaining. Rats get quite huge and funny how most Goths were rat owners or “human companion” as they were called at this expo.

Strange day, but fun.

You Gotto Laugh!

I Support whatever's Trendy Especially since I’ve just come back from the US, where every pickup truck has one of these (Support our Troops) on the back of it. Kind of tells you about the mentality of both.